blue's revenge

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A recent sighting of the Neanderthal Man in captivity....

(actually its just Warren) - it was noted that he hadn't shaved in a while(feburary)so he took a challange to be "The Santa Claus" of our workplace....he did the image of Santa justice, lasting until Boxing day which became the 'big shave day', and i won't mention the fun and games of the flat battery on the cordless shaver and blondie here forgetting to plug the cord in when the battery went flat to finish the job...poor Santa err i mean blondie, sorry umm Warren had to sleep with half a face shaved until the cordless charged up the next day !!!! hahahaha


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Peter said...

I had never heard of the half shaven face Suz, even more repulsive than ever.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger wazza said...

Okay Suzie, now you've had your little laugh at my (sob) expense.
Now what did Arnie say...oh yeah I remember he said "I'll be back".
Waal, when you're least expecting it there will be a post about somebody
(I won't say who but does the initials S.P. mean anything) and when it does then the "dirt will fly" hee! hee! hee!

At 10:52 AM, Blogger suz_e_que6 said...

Peter, i'm sure you've blocked out any such memory of the story, sounds like the tablets are working.
As to you Mr Wazza ....bring it on baby...


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