blue's revenge

Monday, February 19, 2007

A piece of news…

Many of you may have been aware that I’ve returned to part time study to complete a Diploma of Remedial Massage at a Private College at Stones Corner. I need to update my skills and have the opportunity to have patients obtain rebates from Private Health Insurance. So I had a few exemptions of subjects due to prior learning from previous studies. I have already completed Lymphatic Drainage over two full weekends and was happy but annoyed that I completed the subject with a 99% pass rate (the only question I got wrong was an anatomy question). Now 12 years ago when I studied I had to complete Anatomy & Physiology 2 subject (understanding the 12 systems of the body – Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Sensory (sight, smell, taste, hearing), Renal, Endocrine – you get the drift anyway), back to the story… I failed this subject, even though I found it interesting, I failed it. So when I had to re sit this subject I got rather panicky about it all. I even took 2 days off work before the exam to study for it…. Well I kind of flew through the exam on the day, and ended up making a few errors on the questions about the Kidneys…don’t worry Mum, I’m not going to work in Renal or Dialysis at the Hospital…..I thought I would have done quite well and scored maybe a credit. I have just rung my College to ask about the results…..People I scored 224 marks out of 250 total exam. I have achieved a level 6 – A DISCTINCTION…….

If you could see me right now, I’m doing the happy happy joy joy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers and thanks for reading, please send money and flowers.

Bring on A & P 3 which starts tomorrow arvo….



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